Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Today in class we discussed the life, death, and philosophy of Socrates with the addition of Steven teaching the class. We learned that Socrates was actually a very strange looking man with big flared nostrils, bug eyes, and raged clothes. We also listened to a story about how Socrates was drunk at a party and reasoned that he was a good looking man because he had functioning features that were bigger then usual so they could be used for a deeper and better purpose. Socrates philosophy of thinking was considered a threat to others because he made people think in a harder and different way asking the simple word why. He was sentenced to death by poison for the charges of corrupting the youth of Athens and disrespecting the gods. He was on a trial of about 500 Athenians and voted to be put to death. Even though he had a few opportunities to be released of his sentence, he refused and died with pride.       

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