Wednesday, September 11, 2013


    Today in class we discussed the tragedy on 9/11/01. We talked about how that day most likely the most torturous event that  has ever happened in the united states. The united states has never been through such a sad phenomenon like 9/11 before. So many lives were lost yet so many were saved by our heroic team of fire fighters, police men, and even pedestrians. No one knows why this attack was on us or how the plains got hijacked. But, we do know that it took a lot of courage and  time to find the "master-mind" of the attack and kill him as the penalty he deserved. 

    We also talked about globalization. Globalization is the interconnection of different parts of the world. It results in the expansion  of international, cultural, economic, and political activities. We looked at a picture of a KCF and McDonald's in Japan. We talked about how the fast food restaurants put in Japan have lowered the life expectancy and changed many family meal traditions.        

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