Thursday, January 9, 2014

Urban Geography

day 2

Agricultural Villages 

  • as soon as they started growing things two big things happened 
    • a surplus of food on sight
    • permanent homes
  • before urbanization, people often clustered in agricultural villages 
The First Urban Revolution
  • an agricultural surplus 
  • social stratification(leadership)
The Hearths of Urbanization 
  • Mesopotamia - 3500BCE
    • present day Iraq
  • Nile River Valley - 3200BCE
    • present day Egypt
  • Indus River Valley - 2200BCE
    • present day India
  • Huang He River Valley - 1500BCE
    • present day China 
  • Mesoamerica - 200BCE
    • present day Mexico
  • Many ancient cities were theocratic centers where rules were deemed to have divine authority and were god-kings
Diffusion of Urbanization 
  • The Greek cities
    • network of more then 500 cities and towns
    • on the mainland and on islands 
    • each city had an acropolis and agora 
    • 500BCE Greeks were highly urbanized  
  • The Roman Cities 
    • a system of cities and small towns linked together with hundreds of miles of roads and sea routes
    • made for trade
    • combined the acropolis and agora into one meeting place 
    • had either extreme wealth or extreme poverty 

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