Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steel

Jared Diamond 

  • figuring out the biggest questions in human history  
  • travels to Papua New Guinea
  • A professor at UCLA
  • he's a leading bird watching expert in New Guinea 
  • big question; why do we have so much cargo but New Guineans don't?
  • white people saw themselves as the superior race 
  • 3 major thing all great civilizations need 
    • advanced technology 
    • large populations 
    • well organized work forces
  • Jared is a scientist not a historian 
  • middle eastern people were thriving thousands of years ago 
  • New Guineans use the sago tree for dough 
  • barley and wheat were surplussed in the middle east 
  • Drah' is the first permanent village 
    • had the first grainery 
  •   domestication is cross breeding 

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