Thursday, January 16, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steel 

Day 3

  • none of the domesticated animals were from New Guinea, Australia, or Africa 
  • South America only had the lama 
  • Asia, Europe, and North Africa had 13/14 of the domestic animals 
  • The mid west had all the domestic farm animals 
  • The fertile crescent had the best crops and animals
  • the fertile crescent is not the power house of the beginning of time
  • Following on a lateral line, everything has the same day and night, weather, and animals
  • geography is the answer 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steel 

Day 2

  • China makes rice
  • American makes corn, squash, and beans
  • Africa makes sorgu, milk, and yams
  • Papua New Guinea has sago.
  • Good domesticated animals should be able to reproduce within the age of 1-2.
  • They can't be carnivores because then you have to get animals other animals for them to eat. And are dangerous to humans 
  • Needs to get along with humans
  • 128 that work and are over 100 lbs.
  • There are only 14 domesticated animals
    • Goats
    • Sheep
    • Pigs
    • Cows
    • horses
    • mithians  
    • Donkeys
    • camels 
    • Buffalo
    • Reindeer
    • Lamas
    • Yaks 
    • Cattle  

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steel

Jared Diamond 

  • figuring out the biggest questions in human history  
  • travels to Papua New Guinea
  • A professor at UCLA
  • he's a leading bird watching expert in New Guinea 
  • big question; why do we have so much cargo but New Guineans don't?
  • white people saw themselves as the superior race 
  • 3 major thing all great civilizations need 
    • advanced technology 
    • large populations 
    • well organized work forces
  • Jared is a scientist not a historian 
  • middle eastern people were thriving thousands of years ago 
  • New Guineans use the sago tree for dough 
  • barley and wheat were surplussed in the middle east 
  • Drah' is the first permanent village 
    • had the first grainery 
  •   domestication is cross breeding 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Urban Geography 
Day 3 

The Second Urban Revolution 
  • a large scale movement of people to cities to work in manufacturing 
      • second agricultural revolution that improved food produced and created a larger surplus 
      • industrialization, which encouraged growth of cities near industrial resources 
    • snowball effect / booming economy 

  • Nature of manufacturing changed and location changed too. many factories have been abandoned, creation "rust belts" out of once-thriving industrial districts 
  • houses in the Indus River Cities, such as Mohenjo-Daro and Harppa were equal sizes

Zone of the Cities 
  • central business districts(CBD)
  • Central city(CBD and older housing zones)
  • suburb(outlying, functionally uniform zones)

Edge Cities 
  • suburban downtown's often located near key freeway intersections with:
      • office complexes 
      • shopping centers
      • hotels
      • restaurants 
      • entertainment facilities 
      • sport centers 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Urban Geography

day 2

Agricultural Villages 

  • as soon as they started growing things two big things happened 
    • a surplus of food on sight
    • permanent homes
  • before urbanization, people often clustered in agricultural villages 
The First Urban Revolution
  • an agricultural surplus 
  • social stratification(leadership)
The Hearths of Urbanization 
  • Mesopotamia - 3500BCE
    • present day Iraq
  • Nile River Valley - 3200BCE
    • present day Egypt
  • Indus River Valley - 2200BCE
    • present day India
  • Huang He River Valley - 1500BCE
    • present day China 
  • Mesoamerica - 200BCE
    • present day Mexico
  • Many ancient cities were theocratic centers where rules were deemed to have divine authority and were god-kings
Diffusion of Urbanization 
  • The Greek cities
    • network of more then 500 cities and towns
    • on the mainland and on islands 
    • each city had an acropolis and agora 
    • 500BCE Greeks were highly urbanized  
  • The Roman Cities 
    • a system of cities and small towns linked together with hundreds of miles of roads and sea routes
    • made for trade
    • combined the acropolis and agora into one meeting place 
    • had either extreme wealth or extreme poverty 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Urban Geography 

City- a conglomeration of people and building clustered together to serve as a center of politics, culture, and economics

Urban- the buildup of the central city and the surrounding environments connected to the city

    -for the first time in history more then 50% of people live in urban areas

A rural area can become urbanized quite quickly in the modern world

Agricultural Villages

  • Before urbanization, people often clustered in agricultural villages 
  • 10,000 years ago, people began living in agricultural villages 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Study Guide to the Semester Exam

1. Introduction (Excellence) a. A Letter to Garcia b. Socrates/ancient Greeks c. Did You Know?/Shift Happens d. Globalization e. Infrastructure 2. Population and Migration a. population pyramids b. crude birth rate, crude death rate) RNI, TFR c. immigration/emigration, NMR d. push forces, pull forces e. developed nations, developing nations f. God Grew Tired of Us 3. Cultural Geography a. language (bilingual nations, official language) b. major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism) c. ethnic heritage 4. Political Geography a. country, nation, state, nation/state b. World Leaders of the 12 nations we studied (plus the US) c. type of government, leader and title, recognize photographs 5. Economic Geography a. microfinance b. infrastructure c. Kiva d. Peace Corps