Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Retake Region Test 

Today in class we retook our human geo religion test. The first test I took I failed and got a 56%. I felt more confident about the retake but I got a worse grade then I did the first time. This new chapter I am going to work harder at to bring up my grade.

Political Organization
  • Country
  • Nation
  • State
  • Nation-state

  • A big group of people that share a common language, institutions, religions, and history

Independent State
  • Economic activity and organized economy
  • Transportation system for moving goods and people
  • Government which provides public services and police power
  • Sovereignty, no other state can power over your state. Make your own laws.
  • External recognition other countries recognize you as an  independent state

  • A geographical expression


  • A group of people with a shared identity 

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