Friday, November 22, 2013

Micro-Finance Game 2 

Today in class we finished playing the micro-finance game. I never finished it because my game froze but I learned a lot about figuring things out about small business. People need to take a lot of precautions and listen to everyone's thoughts and ideas. Things don't always work out but you can always fix and tweak things to figure them out.   

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Micro-Finance Game 

Today in class we did a few different things. We started off by watching a video where you could "change the channel" and it was different people lip singing each line to the same song. It didn't work out very well because it kept freezing. But after the video we all held and took pictures with this mans Emmy. Then we finished class time by playing a game about micro-finance. I was confused at first but i figured everything out later. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Test Review 

Today in class we went over our world leaders test. I thought I was going to do really well and get an A but I read a few of the questions wrong and got the answers mixed up. I just need to read things more closely. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Micro-finance is a movement underway that provides better financial services to people that banks don't serve. Micro credit is a big part of micro-finance. Micro credit or small loans are amounts of money that people borrow all around the world. Loans are used for small businesses, homes, schools, or other opportunities for people to better there lives. Micro-finance institutions also deal with insurance and savings. Micro-finance is very helpful to people in poverty but it is not a complete solution.       

Thursday, November 14, 2013

World Leaders Test 

Today in class we took a test on the world leaders. We got to use our blogs so I am very confident that I got an A. There was only one question that I was unsure of. But, I narrowed it down to what I thought it would be. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Revised 3

Hamid Karzai
  • Afghanistan
  • President
    • Against the Taliban
    • Knew what was going on with the Taliban
    • Worked against them
    • Warned the United States
    • Worked to over through the government
    • Speaks five languages

Dilma Rousseff
  • Brazil
  • President
    • Served three years in prison
    • Was repeatedly tortured
    • Divorced twice
    • Degree in economics
    • Underwent chemotherapy while being re-elected

Xi Jinping
  • China
  • President
    • A son of revolutionary veteran Xi Zhongxun
    • Married a folk singer/army general
    • Father was jailed
    • Their daughter studies at Harvard  
    • Communist 

Francois Holland
  • France
  • President
    • No previous experience in national government position
    • Had a 30 year relationship and four children
    • Got divorced because he had an affair
    • Extreme right physician father
    • Social worker mother

Joachim Gauk
  • President
  • Germany
Angela Merkel
  • Chancellor
  • Germany
    • Been chancellor since 2005
    • Top spot on FORBES list of most powerful women in the world for 8 of the past 10 years
    • Degree in physics and physical chemistry
    • Ph.D. in quantum physics

Pranab Mukherjee
  • India
  • President
    • Taught Political Science
    • Worked as a journalist
    • One of the best financial ministers
    • Had a conflict with Rajiv Gandhi who took over as Prime Minister
    • Started his own Congress/party

Ali Hoseini-Khamenei
  • Iran
  • Supreme Leader
    • Took part in street protest against the U.S.
    •  imprisoned multiple times
    • Elected president twice
    • Became Supreme Leader 1989
    • Been in charge for 24 years
Hasan Fedeidun Ruhani
  • President
  • Iran
    • Served on the Supreme National Security Council
    • Doesn’t go along with the president before him
    • Doesn’t want to drop a bomb on Israel

Shimon Peres
  • Israel
  • President  
    • His family fled to Palestine in 1934
    • Organized Israel's nuclear program
    • Father of Israel's atomic bomb
    • Won the Nobel peace prize
Binyamin Netanyahu
  • Prime minister
  • Israel
    • Nick name Bee-bee
    • Lived in the US at a young age
    • Brother was killed in 1976
    • Believes that if Israel was established earlier the Holocaust would not have happened

Enrique Pena Pieto
  • President
  • Mexico
    • Eldest of four siblings
    • Father was an engineer
    • Mother was a school teacher
    • Teflon candidate because nothing sticks to him
    • Had two affairs
    • Three kids with two on the side
    • Wife had a seizure
    • Married again to soap opera actor Angelic Rivera
    • Wants to clean up Mexico

Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
  • Prime minister
  • Saudi Arabia
    • 22 children
    • Many different wives
    • Worth 21 billion dollars
    • Commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard
    • First Saudi monarch to meet the Pope
    • In 2011 he granted women to vote and run in future elections
    • Has four wives currently

David Cameron
  • Prime minister of the UK
    • At 7 was shipped off to a highly exclusive preparatory school
    • Has a disabled son who died February 2009
    • Rides a bike to work everyday
    • Had his bike stolen a few times
    • Youngest prime minister in over 200 years
    • Went into office at 43
Queen Elizabeth II
  • Queen of England
    • 60 years in reign
    • Her son prince Charles

Nicolas Maduro Moros
  • Venezuela
  • President
    • Worked as a bus driver before becoming politically active
    • Was selected to be president

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Revised 2

Hamid Karzai
  • Afghanistan
  • President
    • Against the Taliban
    • Knew what was going on with the Taliban
    • Worked against them
    • Warned the United States

Dilma Rousseff
  • Brazil
  • President
    • Served three years in prison
    • Was repeatedly tortured
    • Divorced twice
    • Degree in economics
    • Underwent chemotherapy while being re-elected

Xi Jinping
  • China
  • President
    • A son of revolutionary veteran Xi Zhongxun
    • Married a folk singer
    • Father was jailed
    • Their daughter studies at Harvard  

Francois Holland
  • France
  • President
    • No previous experience in national government position
    • Had a 30 year relationship and four children
    • Got divorced because he had an affair
    • Extreme right physician father
    • Public speaker mother

Joachim Gauk
  • President
  • Germany
Angela Merkel
  • Chancellor
  • Germany
    • Been chancellor since 2005
    • Top spot on FORBES list of most powerful women in the world for 8 of the past 10 years
    • Degree in physics and physical chemistry
    • Ph.D. in quantum physics

Pranab Mukherjee
  • India
  • President
    • Taught Political Science
    • Worked as a journalist
    • One of the best financial ministers
    • Had a conflict with Rajiv Gandhi who took over as Prime Minister
    • Started his own Congress/party

Ali Hoseini-Khamenei
  • Iran
  • Supreme Leader
    • Took part in street protest against the U.S.
    •  imprisoned multiple times
    • Elected president twice
    • Became Supreme Leader 1989
    • Been in charge for 24 years
Hasan Fedeidun Ruhani
  • President
  • Iran
    • Served on the Supreme National Security Council
    • Doesn’t go along with the president before him
    • Doesn’t want to drop a bomb on Israel

Shimon Peres
  • Israel
  • President  
    • His family fled to Palestine in 1934
    • Organized Israel's nuclear program
    • Father of Israel's atomic bomb
Binyamin Netanyahu
  • Prime minister
  • Israel
    • Nick name Bee-bee
    • Lived in the US at a young age
    • Brother was killed in 1976
    • Believes that if Israel was established earlier the Holocaust would not have happened

Enrique Pena Pieto
  • President
  • Mexico
    • Eldest of four siblings
    • Father was an engineer
    • Mother was a school teacher
    • Teflon candidate because nothing sticks to him
    • Had two affairs
    • Three kids with two on the side
    • Wife had a seizure
    • Married again to soap opera actor Angelic Rivera
    • Wants to clean up Mexico

Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
  • Prime minister
  • Saudi Arabia
    • 22 children
    • Many different wives
    • Worth 21 billion dollars
    • Commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard
    • First Saudi monarch to meet the Pope
    • In 2011 he granted women to vote and run in future elections

Friday, November 8, 2013


 Hamid Karzai
  • Against the Taliban
  • Knew what was going on with the Taliban
  • Worked against them
  • Warned the United States

Dilma Rousseff
  • Served three years in prison
  • Was repeatedly tortured
  • Divorced twice
  • Degree in economics
  • Underwent chemotherapy while being re-elected

Xi Jinping
  • A son of revolutionary veteran Xi Zhongxun
  • Married a folk singer
  • Father was jailed
  • Their daughter studies at Harvard  

Francois Holland
  • No previous experience in national government position
  • Had a 30 year relationship and four children
  • Got divorced because he had an affair
  • Extreme right physician father
  • Public speaker mother

Joachim Gauk
Angela Merkel(chancellor)
  • Been chancellor since 2005
  • Top spot on FORBES list of most powerful women in the world for 8 of the past 10 years
  • Degree in physics and physical chemistry
  • Ph.D. in quantum physics

Pranab Mukherjee
  • Taught Political Science
  • Worked as a journalist
  • One of the best financial ministers
  • Had a conflict with Rajiv Gandhi who took over as Prime Minister
  • Started his own Congress/party

Ali Hoseini-Khamenei(Supreme Leader)
  • Took part in street protest against the U.S.
  •  imprisoned multiple times
  • Elected president twice
  • Became Supreme Leader 1989
Hasan Fedeidun Ruhani(president)

Thursday, November 7, 2013


  • Enrique Pena Nieto
    • #37 most powerful person
    • elected president by a narrow victory


  • Joachim Gauck
    • former Lutheran pastor
    • 4 children 


  • Nicolas Maduro Moros
    • worked as a bus driver before being named foreign minister
    • was vice president  


  • XI Jinping
    • a blog about how high his pants are everyday
    •  looks just like his younger brother

United Kingdom

  • Queen Elizabeth II
    • a highway named after he 
    • Favorite dog is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Saudi Arabia

  • Abdallah bin abd al-aziz al saud
    • he became king after his brother died
    • the 6th king of Saudi Arabia 


  • Pranab Mukherjee
    • attended two collages 
    • 13th president of India 


  • Francois Hollande
    • was nick named marshmallow
    • had an affair 


  • Ali Hoseini-Khamenei
    • has six children 
    • also served as president 


  • Hamid Karzai
    • inflicted great suffering on Afghans 
    • Nato brought a lot of death


  • Dilma Rousseff
    • first woman to hold office
    • was tortured as a child


  • Shimon Peres
    • has three children
    • comes from Poland 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

  •  North America
  • Federal republic
  • Enrique Pena Nieto
  • President

  • Europe
  • Federal Republic
  • Joachim Gauck
  • President


  • South America
  • Federal Republic
  • Nicolas Maduro Moros
  • President

  • East and Southeast Asia
  • Communist State
  •  XI Jinping
  • President

United Kingdom
  • Europe
  • constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm
  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • Queen

Saudi Arabia
  • Middle East
  • Monarchy
  • Abdallah bin abd al-aziz al saud
  • King and Prime Minister

  • South Asia
  • Federal Republic
  • Pranab Mukherjee
  • President

  • Europe
  • Republic
  • Francois Hollande
  • President

  • Middle East
  • theocratic republic
  • Ali Hoseini-Khamenei
  • supreme Leader

  • South Asia
  • Islamic Republic
  • Hamid Karzai
  • President of the Islamic Republic

  • South America
  • Federal Republic
  • Dilma Rousseff
  • President

  • Middle East
  • parliamentary democracy
  • Shimon Peres
  • President

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Retake Region Test 

Today in class we retook our human geo religion test. The first test I took I failed and got a 56%. I felt more confident about the retake but I got a worse grade then I did the first time. This new chapter I am going to work harder at to bring up my grade.

Political Organization
  • Country
  • Nation
  • State
  • Nation-state

  • A big group of people that share a common language, institutions, religions, and history

Independent State
  • Economic activity and organized economy
  • Transportation system for moving goods and people
  • Government which provides public services and police power
  • Sovereignty, no other state can power over your state. Make your own laws.
  • External recognition other countries recognize you as an  independent state

  • A geographical expression


  • A group of people with a shared identity