Thursday, October 10, 2013

Test Review 

Today in class we reviewed what is going to be on the test. Crude birth rate- how many babies are born per thousand a year. Crude death rate is how many people die per thousand a year. There is a difference between and immigrant and an emigrant. An immigrant is someone who moves to a different country. An emigrant is someone you leaves a country. Net migration rate is the number of people per thousand a year, immigrants - emigrants. A push force is when a person is "pushed" out of there county because of stuff like war, or low job rates. A pull force is when somebody is "pulled" into another country because of job opportunities or medical assistance. Total fertility rate is the number of children per thousand a year, not including immigrants. If the rate is 2.1 then the population stays the same. Rate of natural increase is birth - death. A population pyramid analyzes growths or declines of fertility, mortality, and migration. A population pyramid is shaped as a cup like Italy, a box like the USA, and a Christmas tree like Africa.  

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